Learn more about things you can do to prevent opioid misuse.
Keep track of your medications.
If you have a prescription (opioid or otherwise) here are some ways to keep them and others safe:
- Make sure all prescriptions are locked up and made so that they cannot move (like bolting a lockbox to something)
- Keep track of your prescription, know how many pills you have left by using a log of some sort
- The only person that should be taking your prescription is you, do not share a prescription medication. If someone you know is asking for medication for pain have them go to a doctor.
Get rid of leftover medications safely.
Get rid of any left-over pills when you are done with a prescription by taking them to any of the locations listed below:
**Drop off unused and unwanted medications any time at these police department lobbies. Prescription, over-the-counter and pet medications are accepted. You may keep them in the containers or place pills in a sealed plastic bag. ** (From BOAPC’s medication drop box and syringe disposal hand out)
Great Barrington Police Department 465 Main Street | Pittsfield Police Department 39 Allen Street |
Hinsdale Police Department 39 South Street | Sheffield Police Department 10 South Main Street |
Lee Police Department 32 Main Street | Stockbridge Police Department 50 Main Street |
Lenox Police Department 6 Walker Street | Williamstown Police Department 31 North Street |
North Adams Police Department 11 Summer Street |
Help keep our kids safe and our water supply clean!
Syringe Disposal/Exchange:
Berkshire Harm Reduction (Hours of Operation – Monday through Friday, 8 am to 6:00 pm)
510 North Street, Suite 6-B2
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Phone: 413-447-2654
6 West Main St.
North Adams, MA 01247
Phone: 413-398-5603
There are ways to safely dispose of old medications when you can’t get to a drug collection box
- Black out any personal information on the label (like with a permanent marker)
- Use something like cat litter, or something else inedible, to mix the loose pills with to deter children and pets from eating them
- To prevent the pills/medication from spilling out/leaking into the trash put them in a sealable bag or container; this also keeps them hidden so people won’t take them out of the trash and use them
- Throw them in the trash, do not flush them. Flushing them is bad for our water supplies
Protect your children.
Talk to your children about the risks of using substances including alcohol, illegal drugs and prescription medication that was not prescribed to them.
The brain continues to develop until around the age of 25. It is therefore important to talk to your children about the risks from substance use and the harms caused to a developing brain. The younger a person is when they start using drugs the higher the risk of developing an addiction when they are older. When parents teach their children about these risks they are less likely to use.
Some tips to help:
- Have clear rules, and consequences to those rules, about substance use
- Understand and know the signs of substance use and mental health issues– the earlier you get help the better
- Be present in your children’s lives and support them (go to their after-school activities, meet their teachers, know where and who they are with when not at home)
- Set a good example for your children. When children see their parents using substances (including being drunk) they are at a higher risk of developing a substance use problem
- Show your children healthy ways to cope with stress. If they see you coping with stress through use of substances that is how they will think they are supposed to handle it– instead do something else that is stress relieving (exercising, yoga, talking to someone, experiencing nature)